I'm Lewin Panjaitan.
I grew up in a village located in Tangerang, Banten. Currently working as a Web Programmer - Web Platform (you maybe more familiar with “Front-end engineer”) at BP Batam. I was previously working as a Web Developer at a start-up called Manggala Teknologi Nusantara.
Currently, I am a member of Google Developer Student Clubs, a volunteer Surabayadev Community and my previous experiences include (Alumni) Frontend Training by the Ministry of Communication and Information, Java Programming Training by BPSDMP Surabaya, ASEAN Data Science Training, Baparekraf Developer Training, Web Developer Training at PT Manggala, Dicoding Programming Training, BNSP Graphic Designer Training, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Training in 2022.
Previously, I have participated in organizations :
Coordinator of Publication and Documentation NHKBP. The one responsible for Coordinating with each member to capture every moment, whether during events or activities within Naposo. I’m Creating a schedule for uploading content on Instagram for each activity, Compiling data and sorting the best videos and photos to be used as documentation results, Inputting data for every recorded income and expenditure from the formation of the administration until the end of the term.
Information Technology Division HKBP. The one responsible for supports church services in disseminating information about activities within the church, utilizing electronic information technology and social media."
Association of Social Communication and Information System Students. I’m as Coordinator of Social Communication and Information, Faculty of Computer Science,Coordinator of the Event Documentation Division, Fasilkom Gathering, Mentor for the Fasilkom Inauguration, Coordinator of the Communication and Information Division at the “SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS” Seminar. Coordinator of the National Seminar Event “INNOVATION OF TECHNOLOGIES”.
Currently, I work as a Web Programmer, focusing on application development and maintenance. I work with Laravel, Codeigniter, Jquery, and VueJs, in building and maintaining projects - All of these are developed with analysis, design, development, testing, and implementation, and the output is thoroughly documented.
I’m currently based in 🦅 Batam and work at Badan Pengusahaan Batam as a Web Programmer.